Friday 5 October 2012

Jacob Zuma gives thinks to teachers. during a speach on friday)

On Friday 28th September Persident Jacob Zuma came out and gave thanks to our South African teachers for their hard work in developing the young ones of this nation.
In his statement to mark world teachers day President Zuma came out and said the following "Our teachers work hard day in and out, sometimes under difficult conditions, sometimes putting [in] extra hours, even on weekends, to ensure that our children attain good results,"
He also assured the teachers that their efforts are being noticed and that the Govenment recognises their hard work.
 Zuma also gave encouragement to scholl children, saying that they must show appricaition, respect and also support their educators, and understand how important their jobs were. (a class teacher during a seasion)
The success of our learners is to a large extent determined by the level of effort and commitment that is put in by our teachers. Thus it is vital that our teachers are in school, in class, on time, teaching for at least seven hours a day." said the president.
 The day btheme, stand for teachers is created so that teachers can be given thanks due to the conditions which they work under, the gorvrnment also realises that teaching is not an easy profession.
It is a very good inciative that the gorvrnment does not forget the important people of this this country, people who play a role in shaping our leaders and all the other professions that are made possible. The Gorvenment should keep communication going with teachers and make sure that all material is available for so that their profession can run smoothly.

Monday 1 October 2012


ANC is taking position (

An announcement was made on Monday that the major announcement about the top six positions of the ANC would take place on Wednesday this week, a report sent out  by the leagues national executive committee had decided its nomination list for the top six positions in the ANC which have not yet been disclosed to the people of the county.

However, Thabo Kupa the party's spokes person announced that the released list was denied by some of the NEC members claiming that nominations are still at unrest, they were not finalised and that it was just speculation said Kupa.


The communication process in the ANC is clearly not up to standard and miss leading to the citizens.
I find it really unfair that wrong information about big decisions in our country is even considered being given out to the Media by our government.
Before the ANC decides to feed the media Media with informative information about decisions that are likely to affect us directly and indirectly they should make sure that a final decision is being made and there will be no turning back.

Kupa also said that the political committee was still to develop a document of leadership. The league is to represent policies it was taking to Mangaung on Wednesday (03 October 2012)

( ANC leadership will change at Mangaung)

Friday 21 September 2012


Releasing the statistics on Thursday, Police Minister Nathi Mthetwa said that crime rate in South Africa has decreased in most categories from the year 2011 to 2012

( Minister of police Nathi Mthetwa

  • Murder
  • Attempted murder
  • Sexual offences
  •  Assault
  • Aggravated robbery and also common robbery.
Mthetwa said that these crimes accounted for 29.9% of  South Africa's recorded serious crimes.
However the absent of reasons as to why crime decreased cast serious doubt on the methodology used to gather and record information.
The minister could not explain how he worked on decreasing the crime level in our country, how sure can the citizens be about the information given to them?
The police are even nowhere near their target, with some categories such as business robberies increasing.

Institute for security studies researcher Dr Johan Burger said it was important that extreme audits be conducted of the crime statistics so that accurate information could be documented.

( Dr Johan Burger.

There are also serious concerns where difficulties were find that police are involved in these crime scenes, some South African citizens feel that police are as good as criminals and they can not be trusted.
If victims trusted police than than there would be more reports made.

Friday 14 September 2012


(the economy hits
Labour unrest in the mining industry is extremely damaging the South African economy reveals finance minister Pravin Gordhan. On Friday Marikana miners rejected a wage increase of R986, the increase offered by lornmin is however very far form what the miners demanded. The increase would have seen entry-level workers earning the a salary of R5 586 per month.Striking miners say the R986 increase is part of an existing 3-year wage agreement that will be implemented in October.

Baleni said the latest offer was far from the workers' demands and he was unsure of how rival union, Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu), would respond.

"It will depend if they are really pragmatic and willing to look at the interests of those workers, as well as the interests of our economy. We hope every player in these negotiations will take that into account," Baleni told the BBC.

Meanwhile mineworkers are taking action in convincing other mine workers not to report for duty and most of them are worried because management is not meeting their demands and that the process is taking long.

On Friday Gold Filed stossed a pile of pamphlets out of a moving bakkie at its KDC west, telling striking mine workers how much money they had lost for being on strike so far this week. The strike has been going on for more than four weeks. Other people that have been interviewed said mine security had visited their hostels on Thursday evening and told them to go back to work, but were promptly chased away.
(president jacob zuma breaks the
President Jacob Zuma warned on Thursday that his government will act on the growing mining unrest hitting the platinum and gold sectors, which he said was "not acceptable".

Zuma's first offical comment since the labour troubles spread to global giant Anglo Platinum was that he has engaged with the ministers concerned to discuss how do we deal with this issue and very very soon they will be able to let the public know because it can no longer be accepted, he told lawmakers.

(mine workers armed with dangerous

Friday 24 August 2012


( )
 It was not an accident that thousands of police loaded their guns with live ammunition, shot dead more than 35 workers and wounded 78. The police officers who shot to kill  and those who gave them their orders are free but 259 striking workers were arrested, what crime have these workers committed. What happened to freedom of rights in South Africa, a right to life and fair labour. Where has our democracy gone to?. On the 15th of August the ANC issued a statement commending the SAPS for deploying 3000 heavily armed police in Marikan North West. Has the Government forgotten why we have a police force?. Somebody should remind them that it was not for them to used as a method of violence to organise the working class.



Workers in South Africa can not even depend and trust their unions anymore after bieng betrayed by the NUM and the COSATU, how could they. Arnt unions formed to protect workers rights and speak on their behalf?. Why would NUM yell for Lonmin bosses, the police, and the army to put an end to the workers striking for R12.500 per month while the NUM General Secretary now earns R105 000 per month, what kind of a man expects another man to feed his family with a wage of R4000, knowing very well the conditions that this man works under on a daily bases.

The road from Ficksburg to Marikana is littered with bullets and armoured cras that have been used to suppress struggles of communities and workers for social justice and a decent life. With the massacre at Marikana the ANC government has embraced the philosophy of the old apartheid state of "shoot first and set up a commission later"...The long line of massacres the the ANC government has placed itself in is longer than both my arms...
  • Massacres of the working class from Bulhoek in 1921.
  • The massacres of miners in 1946.
  • Sharpville in 1960.
  • Soweto in 1976.
  • Langa in 1985.
  • Boipatong  in 1992. 
The workers refusal to end the strike  and their preparedness to face state machines guns speaks to deep preparedness to struggle. A major challenge facing a new cadre of struggle is to overcome the culture of political violence that has been inherited from the previous cycle of of straggle. The spirit of the Marikana workers can only can only be honoured by an intensification of the struggle to build and strengthen a new, organised  and militant anti-capitalist working class movement, said Khanya during a press conference held at the University of Johannesburg Bunting Roads on the 22nd of August.

Friday 17 August 2012


 Julius Malema has once had a taste of what it is like to be a leader for a few months when he served as a provincial executive committee member in Limpopo and is not about to let his taste buds dry form the appetising position as he swears that is will one day rule the leading party, and that is will not give up without a fight, he will ultimately win the political battle.

  • Violating the ANC's constitution.
  • His comments about overthrowing the government of Botswana.
  • Comparing Jacob Zuma to the former president Thabo Mbek.
However Julius has a feeling that what ever that is happening to him is a test, one that is preparing him to become a better leader. He claims that when he takes over the party, he will run with the speed of 200km per hour, he also said that it does not matter how long it takes till he runs the ruling party, he also claims that there are hard feelings between him and Jacob Zuma, as they hug, greet each other and laugh when they see each other...Not convincing though, there is definitely bad blood between these two.

 Juju is really so fired up and determined to run the ruling party. Is it because he is trying to prove a point to the ANC because they let him go?, or is it because he is really thinking about the needs of the people of South Africa, if so what plans does he have for this country, what will he change , what will he do for the country in the benefit of all the citizens. My question really, why does Malema want to rule the ANC?.

Friday 10 August 2012

Text book fiasco


So, the text book fiasco continues with no concrete conclusion to it.
Even though most of the country's population wants the minister of basic education removed from her position, fact of the matter is that, its likely not to happen. Its best that we put our weapons down and rest our opinions on the issue.
Jacob Zuma has made it clear to the nation that he will not make that call till further "investigations", Lord knows when that will be...

( books left unutended at Limpopo)

Speaking to YFM news reporter about the issue, the minister mentioned that "peoeple expact her to be on her knees forever, i have apologised and i will not do that".
Yes we acknowledge her apology, but for her to actually come out and say that, its very low and shows no sign of remorse. Angie should learn to take responsibility for her actions, she had a duty to perform and so she failed at it, and so she needs to do an hounrnarable thing and resign before the people start forcing her to do so.
Today's youth is fighting for economic freedom, and this can only be done when they are educated, so students need those text books, least she could have done is do a follow up, to check if the job has been done. The rainbow nation cannot be reflected in sports like soccer or rugby, the only time we can have a united and equal South Africa is if resources of the country are shared equally.
for this to happen we need a group of educated public administrators who are able to interpret the legislation and policies of government.

Friday 3 August 2012


Whoever that wants to be great before your eyes should be willing to serve you, they must be willing lie down their lives for you, put your needs and feelings before theirs and also go an extra mlie to remove your pain most importantly they should be a person of integrity, they should love and care for the environment which they serve. Looking at our Gorvenment i strongly question their love for this country, these people need to be reminded that they have a calling to which they must receive and be submissive to, but then again are they worthy of this calling?, i doubt that, seeing that half of the panel has got no leadership skills, they do not deserve to serve our country... How many can really stand out and say that "i am king", im sure we can all count with just one of our hand each.... So disappointing though...

Monday 27 February 2012


Hi everybody, my name is Kgomotso Makhananesa from South Africa, Gauteng. Welcome to Mzansi govrnment, this blogg will be looking at issues that occur in the South African country, issues which affect South Aficans positively and negatively. Feel free to comment your views on any and all of the updates that strike your attention...HAPPY BLOGGING MATES.