Friday 3 August 2012


Whoever that wants to be great before your eyes should be willing to serve you, they must be willing lie down their lives for you, put your needs and feelings before theirs and also go an extra mlie to remove your pain most importantly they should be a person of integrity, they should love and care for the environment which they serve. Looking at our Gorvenment i strongly question their love for this country, these people need to be reminded that they have a calling to which they must receive and be submissive to, but then again are they worthy of this calling?, i doubt that, seeing that half of the panel has got no leadership skills, they do not deserve to serve our country... How many can really stand out and say that "i am king", im sure we can all count with just one of our hand each.... So disappointing though...


  1. The problem with some of our government officals is that they wabnt to feed themselves first.

  2. Our government seems to be full of fraud and corruption. The government seems to know how to generate money but does not use it wisely, instead it uses it for it's own use and thereafter attend the needs of the people whereby its too late at times.

  3. I strongly agree with you that our government is disappointing and does not deserve to serve our country. We need people who will serve this country with love and respect, people who are not selfish.

  4. A congress is a group of monkeys,enough said...It is such a sad case that we are gorvrned by such a selfish congess,where half of the panel does not even know what they are doing.Its only a matter of time before our contry falls apart.

  5. Thing we can never be too sure of the right people to serve the nation as before power they all about promises about service delivery and all but once they are in power they forget that they were elected BY the people FOR the people..

  6. I think our country is led in this way because there is no a good vision for future souls.we all know that Africans always want to prove a in way they are proving those points that they think needs to be proven while on the other side the other opposing groups are watching and laughing at us and if not careful we will discover ourselves living like before 1994 because we become more excited when we are given a chance to prove ourselves.

  7. one advice i would gave them is that they should return to the 1st love

  8. Modise that is true indeed, during elections polititians pick up babies and visit informal settlements, when it is all set and done, it becomes as though they do not know that those places exist. Moimane, what point have tha ANC proven? and to who has this point been made?. Clive I honestly think that, it would be a bad idea to give such an advice, these value money, so do you not think that would be their first love?.

  9. Our government has lost a true sense of what being a democratic state means. It is sad though that the very people we put in power to change the nation are the same ones who are killing it.

  10. its a very sad case indeed Thomas..
