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iol.co.za |
Another division forms in the ANC as talks about banning alcohol advertisement breaks down.Mr of health Arron Motswaledi says he will fight to nail to stop adveritsements of alcohol to preserve the health and safety of South Africans. Honestly now, the damage is already done. Proceedings with the banning of advertisements will only do South Africa more harm than good, he is definitely looking to send this country to the dog box. We live in a Country where 29.4% of the population is unemployed, people are sitting at home with diplomas and degrees, because there are not enough jobs in the country. Now to rub salt on a bleeding wound, Mr Motswaledi proposes to endanger the SAB and other alcohol marketing departments of mzansi, it is not going to be easy for them to come up with other productive ways of advertising their brands, but they could always resort to the use of social media only question is, will it give them enough puplicity and will they be able to reach all their target audience?. The banning will result in 2500 jobs in the media, a total of 3000 people will face retrenchment in the marketing indusrty, banning will force small and medium outdoor ventures to close down. In Cape Town the banning will result in a total loss of revenue, including sports sponsorship, development, leveraging, events, and below the line activities of 2.6bn, the SABC will losse about 400million, dstv and e.tv a combined 500million and the vat loss will be 280m. Is the banning of acohol worth all of these losses in our country, we are still a developing country with a state that makes such harsh decisions in their rulling, will we ever develop?, i wonder...Does Motswaledi really intend on adding on to the apalling unemployment rate of our country?.
nicevilleibraryassistance.blogspot.com |
i want to see this hey ANC Banning alcohol advertisments?wow
ReplyDeleteit is a very big issue of the banning of alcohol adverts and all the losses involved,but lets be realistic here the department of health can ban these ads if they want but the fact of the matter is that people wont stop buying alcohol if they want to just because the ads are banned,they will continue buying it no matter what...so ithink the department should at least come up with another solution towards this issue
ReplyDeleteThe Minister can try to ban all alcohol ads.but He must take in to consideration that many people will loose their jobs.I mean how can he want to do that(think about banning ANC and how ANC members were going to re-act).I think that he must just let the business run,people must just control themselves and their children because if this ads stops then he should also ban Tv because it is the most mass media that expose Children to everything.
ReplyDeleteif this happens that means that we as junior prps we will be left without jobs
ReplyDeleteAt Beyrel it is just gonna strain our countries economy.
ReplyDeleteThis act will leave the ciuntry strunded,and miost of all school leavers jobless,the minister should rather come up with ather amendmends.
ReplyDeleteburning alcohol ads is not going to reduce the health problem because already people know about alcohols so they wil pass the knowledge from generation to generation.
ReplyDeleteYes Pebetse i totally agree withn you.