Juju sneezes, Country catches COLD

Malema's expulsion is the latest in the disciplinary process in the ANC which began in August 2010.Henekom said Malema was found guilty of two serious offences in november and had not shown no remores (CITY PREES).He has been expelled for bringing the party into disripute and formimng divisions in its ranks.On sunday morning Malema was talking to 702 radio Dj Jhon Magtham,in his interview,malema said the
following ''i do not know why i've been ejected from the mother ship and put out into space when after all i had not done anything heinous,like being charged with rape or corruption  stumbling and i havnt had factional meetings and benefited my family from what i have done''.Saying such things on the radio was not a very enhancing career move this made me wonder if he was referring to our president Jacob Zuma (Jermey Gordin,Citizen).Most people would argue that Malima is a good politition,concerning that he raised important issues like land redistribution and stressed the issue of nationalisation which was rejected by the league.I feel as though most of his concerns had nothing to do with the youth of South Africa?.As a South African youth individual,do u feel that during his term Malema represented your needs?.


  1. Malema started as good youth leader in the organisation.He started by taking young people very serious.He became confortable in his position and forget about everyone.He started to make the ANCYL his own by disrespecting other people.I started to doubt him as he was swearing during a press conference"Bloody agent!" and after he was found guilty of portraying the ANC government.

  2. Yes Moimame,he started off very well and just decided to get out of hand,and now he is reaping what he sow.

  3. stop blaming malema guys all this direspectful comments and specches made by malema with the anc approvel,this makes me ask myself what the hell is the government communications department doing havent they heard about practice good media relation because now the anc is left with bad a reputation and they seem to be doing nothing to to solve the damage that has been done.

  4. this blog make for some good reading

  5. Clive thank you for yuor comment.Fact is malema brought all of this to him self,he does not have no sense of self-descipline this can not call himself to order evn though he has been warned so many times.Now who is to blame?

  6. it is right that Malema is suspended but the ANC should not ban him on being a mamber of the party

  7. I feel that Malema is being publicised by the media and therefore the media is condoning what he does. He does not represent South Africa's youth in a positive way and although he might express problems within the society he is doing it in wrong way, disrespectfully.

  8. @ workplace...Julias Malema is very disrespectful really,he focus is not on youth isses, he advances on much bigger issues.
