Presidency ARTS @ Mangaung...

Jacob Zuma's term of running the Republic of South Africa nears the end, and the race to elect a new president for our state hits the ground.The question stands, who will it be?. All roads leads to Bloemfontien this weekend. It is a stiff competition as Jacon Zuma runs against the likes of the hournarable Kgalema Motlanthe, he is the voice of reason  within the ANC, he could restore the credibility and bring back hournour, dignity and gravitas.


His set back is that he betrayed Mbeki  and jumped ship at the last hour, even worse the Motlanthe camp does not know where he stands.Nevertheless, Motlanthe did a great job when he took over the hot seat and he is still doing a great job in his current position, but still he remains questionable. On the other track runs the change that the ANC could do with, the "clean", presentable, none scandalous powerful businessman Mr Cyril Ramaphosa.


 With all the political support given to him, no doubts hits that there will be no pulling out for him this time around, this man is ready to commit himself to our republic. He is into business , his financial state is promising that he would not corrupt the current state than what it already is. His story in the South African politics stems way back and he should be awarded this opportunity. However our president Jacob, who is popular among the youth and Zulu people announced that he would not be interested in running for second term in office but he will comply with whatever the party decides. So mzansi, who will succeed current president state?. Who's back do you have?. it is ineed a stiff competition. 


  1. im not much of an ANC fan since iv realised that they forgot the importance of them running the country, but if i had to choose a president i would say that the deputy government would be a suitable candidate

  2. ANC has ran out of candidates,Motlanthe in my opinion will not make a good president. in his time as interim president he did absolutely nothing for the state,he was more of a silent president which is not what the country needs so for me he is rulled out. Then then there is Cyril Ramaphosa, who doesn't realy know whether he wants to run or not seeing that the last time he pulled out, I think Zuma should run for second term because there isnt anyone worthy of replacing him.

  3. @ lesego in your defence what good qualities of presidency do you think this man occupies?
    @ Thomas, what has jacob zuma done for this country that is worthy of him running second term?.

  4. Zuma's announcement that he is not interested in running for second term in office and that he will comply with whatever the party decides,is just a statement to give that i do not care attitude while he does care.I mean wherwe will he go after this?

  5. i have Motlanthe's back but am affraid he won't live up to his promises,ANC always promises to deliver and yet they disapoint us... as for Zuma where will he go?

  6. @ Tumi im agree with you, i mean why else would he not want to run again for secon term?...
    @ Bee, what promise has he made yet as an idividual apart from the anc as a whole?...I also feel like Zuma has got nowhere else to go hey.

  7. In a public relations practitioner's point of view,I think that ANC or our government need people like vice president Kgalema Motlanthe because he had potrayed a good image of himself when he took over the hot seat during ANC crisis.His commitments to every job that he did was promising to be a good state leader.As for the current presindent,i say that there is always the end for everything.

  8. Kgalema Motlanthe is the way guys,even his name says it...But the cabinet could use a change, and look in other directions.
